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Updating the Club Roster-Secretary

Updating the Club Roster

The Club Roster data is available as part of the Users Insights part of the website available at the Dashboard > Users Insights spreadsheet. Note that this reporting spreadsheet can be used by club administrators to fine-tune reports to their needs.

Club Roster Preparation

  • Club Roster Columns: When on the Dashboard > Users Insights page on the rights find the columns toggle ‘eye’ icon.

  • Apply check boxes to only include First Name, Last Name, E-mail, Joined Date, Dues Paid, Phone, Address, City, State, Zip.
  • Next export the .csv file by selecting the export ‘file’ icon to the left of the column toggle ‘eye’ icon.
  • On the next screen select ‘Export’.
  • Once exported to your computer you can open the .csv file in your favorite spreadsheet program such as Excel or Numbers. Sort the file by Last Name, add a column on the left for row numbers and then hide the rows at the bottom that are associated with Rob Wickins.  Change the header name in Excel. Then re-save the file as a .pdf and follow the additional instructions below.

File Naming

  • For consistency and so that files show in order, please name them with the following naming convention – monthyear-slff-club-roster.pdf

    As an example for Jan 2022 name the file 0122-slff-club-roster.pdf and make sure to use hyphens and not spaces to avoid the name ‘breaking’ when downloading.

File Uploading

  • Login to the WordPress backend
  • Click on Dashboard > Downloads
  • Upload your file by selecting ‘Add New’.
  • On the next page add a name such as Club Roster 0822 then on the right attach the pdf file from your computer
  • Next scroll down to the Package Setting block > Allow Access and add Subscribers, Keymaster, Editors and Administrator
  • Scroll up and click ‘Publish’.
  • Go to Downloads > All Files and copy the ‘Shortcode’

Linking File

  • Go to the Club Roster page here 
  • Select ‘Edit with Elementor’
  • Click on the area when the Club Roster download information is
  • On the left in the ‘Edit Shortcode’ area – erase the old shortcode  and then paste the new Shortcode
  • Click the bottom left ‘Update’ button to save the page

All set, you can now close the page and review on the front end by navigating to 

Email Board Members to alert them that you have published a new Roster.

If any questions you can reach out to the website developer Rob Wickens rob ‘at’ 

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