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Financial Management-Treasurer

Santa Lucia Fly Fishers

Financial Procedures

Robert Hartzell

Oct 10 2022

File name

SLFF Financial Procedure 2,0      Oct 10 2022 NO PASSWORD

Robert’s HP computer C:\Users\bobha\Documents\SLFF general


Introduction. 3

From Bylaws. 3

Daily (monthly) Activities. 4





Quicken. 4

Financial Statement to Board (monthly) 4

The information for the financial statement comes from the Quicken Reports-Banking-Banking Summary. 5

Account codes are managed in Quicken. 5

Budget. 5

Recurring Payments (Covid years 2020  2021 changed several items) 5

Banking. 6

Debit Card. 6

Taxes. 7

IRS Form 990N.. 7

State of CA SI100. 7

Squareup. 8

WooComerce. 9

Insurance. 9

Donations. 10

Web Hosting and Domain Name Registration  , Smart Waiver. 10

Account Information. 10

Billing Address. 10

Summary. 10

Detail 11

Current Charges and Adjustments. 11

Payments. 11

Period Activity. 11

Storage Unit 11

Zoom.. 11

Personal Meeting ID     711 878 6029. 11

Email 11

Club Email 12


This document contains procedures that the treasurer (Robert) put together. Most have been in place and have been useful in the day to day financial activates of the club.

Financial policies (as different from procedures) are determined by the SLFF board and are in the Bylaws or board resolutions.

There are yearly ‘Treasure’s Binders’ of paper records and  Robert’s HP Laptop has  electronic records.

From Bylaws

The Club bylaws (available on the web site) have words about fiscal policy.

 4.11 Powers of the Board.  

(e) To manage in the manner, they may deem best all funds and property, real and personal, received, acquired, or earned by the Club, and to Distribute or dispense them.

Section 5.09   Duties of Treasurer.   The Treasurer shall have general charge of the financial records and accounts of the Club and shall keep and maintain adequate and correct books of account showing the receipts and disbursements of the Club, and an account of its cash and other assets.  He or she shall deposit all moneys of the Club with such depositaries as are designated by the Board of Directors, and shall disburse the funds of the Club as may be ordered by the Board of Directors.  He or she shall prepare and submit to the Board of Directors, after the close of each month, a statement of the financial conditions of the Club, in such form and detail as the Board may require.

Section 5.10 Duties of Assistant Treasurer.   The Assistant Treasurer, if so appointed by the Board of Directors, shall be empowered to perform any and all of the duties of the Treasurer, at the discretion of the Board, and may act as Treasurer during the absence or disability of the latter.

Section 7.02_ Checks and Withdrawals.   Except as otherwise specifically determined by resolution of the Board of Directors, as provided in Section 7.01, or as otherwise required by law, checks, or other withdrawals from Club accounts shall be signed by the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, President or Vice President of the Club.

Section 7.03  Deposits.  All funds of the Club shall be deposited in accounts from time to time in the name of the Club to the credit of the Club in such banks, trust companies, or other depositaries as the Board of Directors may select

Notwithstanding any other provision in these Bylaws the Club shall be subject to the following limitations and restrictions: 

No member, director, officer, employee or other person connected with this corporation, or any private individual, shall receive at any time any of the net earnings or pecuniary profit from the operation of the corporation, provided, however, that this provision shall not prevent payment to any such person of reasonable compensation for services performed for the corporation. All members, if any, of the corporation shall be deemed to have expressly consented and agreed that on such dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the corporation, the assets of the corporation, after all debts have been satisfied, shall be distributed to a California registered non-profit.


The fiscal year of the Club shall begin on the first day of January and end on the last day of December in each year.

Daily (monthly) Activities


SECRETARY: Receives all monies (mail, meetings, banquet, misc.), prepares recap (2 copies) by income category, gives monies with one copy of recap to Treasurer and retains one copy for audit.

TREASURER: Receives monies from Sec’y., deposits in bank and records in QB.


TREASURER: Receives all bills, makes sure there is proper support documents &/or approvals, pays all bills by check, and files (file to show check #, date paid and amount), and records in QB.


TREASURER: Obtains bank statement and reconciles to QB, prints copy of reconciliation and files with bank statement for audit. Prepares month end Treasurer’s report for review and approval by board.


VICE PRESIDENT: Each quarter meets with Treasurer to audit: audit consists of matching secy’s record of monies received to deposits in bank and entries in QB; examining paid bills file for support and/or approvals and matching paid bills to disbursements in bank and entry in QB’s;

reviews reconciliations and bank statements for any unusual items; submits audit report to the board.


The club keeps track of income and expenses using Quicken 2017. Installation CD in in the box, active program is on Roberts laptop, backup is on a thumb drive.  Start date i10/26/2016 with balance of $9172.

Checks are entered (All Transactions Checking)

 Date- Check-Payee-Memo-Category-Amount

Deposits are entered including split when required

Date- Check-Payee-Memo-Category-Amount

Electronic transactions (SLFF Debit card, Square, ..) are entered in Quicken

Various reports are available, most used in account codes reports usually year to date.

Backup                 usb thumb drive is in blue Robo Bank carrier.

Place thumb in USB drive F. (note a backup is also on desktop Roberts HP computer)

From account screen go to file (upper left)  select Backup and restore then Backup Quicken file follow directions in dialog box  select F:\ and Back up now .

Folder on SanDisk usb (thumb) drive is-                  F:\Quicken 10-302019

Financial Statement to Board (monthly)

The treasurer generates a monthly financial statement (excel spreadsheet on Robert’s laptop) and distributes the statement in .pdf format at board meeting. Example attached.

The information for the financial statement comes from the Quicken Reports-Banking-Banking Summary.


A preliminary budget is done at the start of the calendar year, it is finalized after the banquet when we know our income.  The treasured prepares the proposed budget – format is on the monthly Financial Report which is then presented at the May board meeting for discussion, revision and approval.


Recurring Payments (Covid years 2020  2021 changed several items)

MeetingRoom RentalIHOP – no cost na
MeetingsSpeakerFee and expenseAt meetingsAs required
BanquetMadonna InnRoom, mealsReimburse 
PostmasterPO Box$180July, note in box 
Southwest Council Federation of FFAnnual member$250DonationDonation
Trout UnlimitedAnnual Member$250Due August DonationID # 411329014
Fly Fishers International  Affiliate club$415Due Jan 1 for current yearPaid 1/15/2022
Fly Fishers InternationalInsurance$500 estDue Junepd May 2022
Odd Fellows ClubRoom Rental$20/mo  
IRS Form 990N No fee4/15/20204/08/2020
State of Ca SI100Non profit status $20 2 yrs 2/15/2021
Franchise Tax Board  (Calif)Post Card 199N  Complete May 2022
SLO StorageUnit Rental$80 per month1st of monthBy check
ZOOMAs usedAutomatic from Debit card  $15/mo 10/14/2020 start
DotsterWeb DomainAuto, $6 moAnnual in Marchmonth
WebsWeb site host$200/ 2 yr01/28/2022Paid 1/28/2020
Smart WavierMember sigmature$184 annual 9/12/2022


The SLFF bank account is a commercial (business) account with Mechanics Bank. Bank person is Joanne Marie Lorenz (805 927 8633) at the Cambria branch.

The bank signature card was updated in March 2022 to have Eric Tinglof and Robert P Hartzell.

Account administrator was updated Jan 2018 to Robert P. Hartzell.

To login :  Mechanics BankOn line banking:

Launch internet browser

On home page go to’ Login to Online banking’ click to expand drop down menu, click ‘Business Online Banking’

enter requested info


Password  XXXXXXXXXXX      (as of 9/30/2022)

(There may be a security step with security questions)


Click sign in

And you are logged in. 

Account number XXXXXXXXXXX1911   

Bank statement: Accounts -Business Checking xxxx 911 – Documents – Document Type click Box (drop down) checking account statement – date range Bank statement available online first business day of month and come to PO Box in a week or so.

Useful reports include:

Reports-Banking-Banking Summary

Backup and restore: Quicken backup to thumb drive (in blue Robo Bank zipper bag)

F:\Santa Lucia Flyfishers\2021-11-03QDF-Backup

Debit Card 

Business Debit card (thru Mechanics Bank)  VISA replaced Aug 8 2020 (approved at Jan 2019 board meeting) is with treasurer, pass word XXXXXX .  $550 max ATM, $2500 max POS

Name on card




Security code XXXXXX

Valid thru 07/23

Address: PO Box 166

San Luis Obispo CA 93406-0166


IRS Form 990N

Annual electronic filing requirement for small exempt organizations (gross receipts less than $50,000) due May 15.

Historical information in TAXES folder.

8/13/2021 Form completed

User Name  wollyworm

Password  Sl1#slff                               security questions : Robert’ schools

  1. Employer identification number (EIN )  51-0142143
  2. Tax year                                                06-01-2016 thru 05-31-2017
  3. Legal name and mailing address
  5. Any other names the organization uses
  6. Name and address of a principal officer
  7. Web site address if the organization has one
  8. Confirmation that the organization’s annual gross receipts are $50,000 or less
  9. If applicable, a statement that the organization has terminated or is terminating (going out of business

Your Form 990-N(e-Postcard) has been submitted to the IRS

  • EIN: 510142143
  • Tax Year: 2020
  • Tax Year Start Date: 06-01-2020
  • Tax Year End Date: 05-31-2021
  • Submission ID: 10065520212254856564
  • Filing Status Date: 08-13-2021
  • Filing Status: Pending

State of CA SI100

California law requires all corporations, limited liability companies and common interest development associations to update the records of the California Secretary of State either every year or every two years based on year of registration by filing a statement, as described below. This defines our tax-exempt status

SANTA LUCIA FLYFISHING CLUB, INC                      C0734251

State of CA SI100

Franchise Tax Board

May 10 2022 (email sent to

Franchise Tax Board

P O Box 1286

Rancho Cordova  CA  95741-1286

Reference your notice DLN2235714096Z to Entity 0734251

Dear Sir,

California-Postcard 199N has been filled for Tax years 2013 through 2021 with confirmation numbers

073425113004 through 073425113012.


Robert Hartzell   Treasurer

Santa Lucia FlyFishing Club Inc

P O Bos 166

San Luis Obispo  CA 93406-1166


Square  SLFF Merchant Bank

Square is the merchant bank used with the SLFF website online store (WooCommerce) to accept credit card purchase/payment and transfer to the SLFF business checking account at Mechanics Bank. There is a fee associate with transactions on Square of about 3.5%.

SLFF also has a credit card reader / processing with SQUARE.

Sign in is:


This leads to the Square Dashboard.

To review the transfers to Mechanics Bank:

Square Dashboard

Home   Balance   Locations   Santa Lucia Fly Fishing Club   View all Transfers  Date Range  Table of Transfers with details

Square is set to notify  (SLFF Treasurer) of daily transactions.

Eric Tinglof (as of March 2020) has card reader device and personal IPad configured to process card. To be used at annual banquet.


The SLFF website has an online store.

Access to WooCommerce (several club officers have administrative access to the club website and WooCommerce)

Access and Log into the SLFF website: go to members and log in:


Click on Santa Lucia Fly Fishers Club   (upper left)

Dashboard   WooCommerce   Orders

This is the only location of sales by product which is use to classify monies by account codes for Quicken entries.


SLFF Club liability insurance is thru Fly Fishers International Inc as an affiliate Club.  Base club fee $100 plus $3 / person for non FFI members due Jan for current year. Dues were paid Feb  2022. Notice of op-in for Insurance was sent, should receive invoice. Robert Hartzell listed as contact, mail thru club PO Box and club email:

7/14/2022  Insurance invoice received, op in form and check sent to FFI

August 2020 received insurance certificate

FFI Online at:

club # 99172 user name 99172 Password  FlyFish99172

Contact at FFI:

  Jessica Atherton

Clubs & Councils Coordinator

5237 US Hwy 89 S, Ste 11 | Livingston, MT 59047

Office: 406-222-9369, ext 109      Fax: 406-222-5823


The club budgets for and donates funds to various organizations. Process usually starts in September with request to board and membership for candidate organizations, selection and determination of amounts by the board in Oct., Nov. and checks sent in Nov., Dec.

Lew L, Eric T, and Robert H have information  about donations in the past few yeard.

Web Hosting and Domain Name Registration  , Smart Waiver

   Dotster info:

   Domain name:

   Password: SLFF2020f$

   Emails will go to

   Security question: Favorite movie Answer: A River Runs Through It

Auto renewal March 23, should receive email March 08. Paid 3/25 2021

Updated Robert H March 23 2021 Annual fee of $17.99 will be auto charged to SLFF debit card in January.

 web hosting service is  Webs

Account number: 123990577

User name : santaluciaflyfishers

PayPal payment to SLFF debit card, paid thru  Jan of2022  $199.40

Access at  login   r2644h

Members profile -manage site- Billing-subscription management and

New website as of Jan 2022:

Contracted developer:

Rob Wickens    (

WickenInc 108 N Arnaz St Ojai, CA 93023 United States

SLFF Contact : Lew Liechter (who approves work request and invoice from Wickens)

Charges associated with Website

Subject: [Statement] Service Plans – 100 Waiver Service Plan – Yearly

Smartwaiver (348762941) Service Plans – 100 Waiver Service Plan – Yearly Account Information Robert Hartzell Flyfishing Billing Address P O Box 166 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 US Summary Date: 09/12/2022 Billing Date: 09/12/2022 Starting Balance: $0.00 Current Charges: $184.00 Payments: $184.00 Ending Balance: $0.00 Balance Paid: 09/12/2022 01:33PM PDT PAID Detail Current Charges and Adjustments Date/Time Type Detail Charge 09/12/2022 01:33PM PDT Recurring 100 Waiver Service Plan – Yearly (09/12/2022 – 09/12/2023) $184.00 Totals $184.00 Payments Date/Time Type Detail Amount 09/12/2022 01:33PM PDT CC Payment Robert Hartzell Flyfishing – 100 Waiver Service Plan – Yearly: Signup payment XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-8065 visa (07/2023) $184.00 Totals $184.00 Period Activity Date/Time Event Detail 09/12/2022 01:33PM PDT Payment Success Successful payment of $184.00 for Robert Hartzell Flyfishing’s subscription to 100 Waiver Service Plan – Yearly 09/12/2022 01:33PM PDT Signup Success Successful signup for Robert Hartzell Flyfishing’s subscription to 100 Waiver Service Plan – Yearly

Storage Unit

The club rents a storage locker to keep loaner equipment, audio visual equipment and stuff. Location is San Luis Obispo Self Storage   154 Suburban  SLO 93401.  Locker number 2159 with lock code 1021 (Jan 2020).

Contract (signed by Mark Shelton) is with Robert H. in Treasures Binder  Rent is $80 (Jan 2022) per month paid by check at the start of the month.


The club has a Zoom account used for online meetings. Cost is $14.99 / month billed to club debit card. Account starts 10/14/2020

Santa Lucia Fly Fishers             Account No. 5000062186

Personal Meeting ID     711 878 6029 Hide


PASSWORD IS Woolybugger93401

Club Email

Password 2DryFly

Money Flow

Month end work sheet

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