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Helping a Member Reset their Password

Helping a member reset their password

If you know your username or the email account in your profile, you can use the “lost password” feature of WordPress.

  • Go to your WordPress Login page
  • Click on the “Lost your password?” link
  • Enter the email address on file for that account.
  • A reset email will be sent, on the email select the ‘Click here to reset your password’ link (see attached).
  • Enter in your new password and Save.

If you/they need a bit more guidance here are more resources.

If you want to change their password on the admin side then you can do that and send them the password (though not as secure as you’re emailing their password).

Reset a user password through the WordPress admin

  • In the Admin Panel menu, go to Users
  • Click on the user you’d like to edit
  • Scroll down to the New Password section and click on Generate Password. WordPress will generate a new password that you can use, or you can create your own. WordPress will indicate how strong your password is.
  • Click the Update User button to save

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